Sunday, March 10, 2013


I am late in publishing a blog post for March 10th.  I have failed at quite a few things lately.  I have gained back a pound as a result of those failures.  My current weight is 335 pounds.

What are my failures?  I really did not want to talk about them and was considering skipping this blog post with the hope that I would be able to get back on track for next time.  Ultimately, that is not being as honest as I want to be on this blog.  I have had quite a bit of soda since my last blog post.  I have seen a couple of movies in theaters and I always get a soda there.  There have been several other times that I had soda as well.  I am guessing 5 times in all since my last blog post.  It is not that I think soda is evil.  Soda had just been such an addiction for me in the past that I need to be careful not to start drinking it all the time.

My commitment is starting to look like a joke.  I committed to be at or below 330 pounds by the end of this month and I am going in the wrong direction.  I need to turn this thing around and soon.

My next weigh in will be on March 15th.  I am sorry for not doing better.  I have half a month to lose five pounds.  There will be blog updates on the 15th, 20th, 25th, 30th, and another on April 1st.  I need to lose at least a pound at each of these next updates.  I will do this!

Tuesday, March 5, 2013


Today is March 5th and that means it is time for another blog post update.  I seem to be maintaining my current weight as I neither gained nor lost any weight since my last blog post.  My current weight is 334 pounds.

I must say that I find this a little frustrating.  I got quite a bit of exercise these past five days playing some Xbox Kinect games.  Anything that gets me out of my chair and moving is a good thing in my opinion.

I did kind of mess up a bit with regard to my diet but that was early on in the five day cycle.  Basically we bought some ice cream and I went a little overboard.  The funny thing is I weighed in the next day and I had actually lost a pound.  After that, I did a very good job at not eating too much.  I was really hoping to be able to report a pound of weight loss for this update but that did not materialize.

Should I be a little nervous that I committed to be at or below 330 pounds by the end of this month?  Aside from the ice cream fiasco I felt like I did a solid job of getting in some exercise and following my diet.  If anything, I was probably not eating enough.  I will trust my routine for now but I may need to take things to another level if I do not see better results at the next weigh in.

My next weigh in will be on March 10th.  Should anything else come up between now and then I will be sure to update the blog.  Stay tuned to see if my commitments are worth anything.  Goodbye for now.

Friday, March 1, 2013

February 2013 Wrap Up

The month of February has come to a close and with it, the fifth chapter of my weight loss journey. I have lost three pounds since my last post on the 25th of February. My current weight is 334 pounds.

The past month was filled with distractions. I was in an automobile accident and that has taken up a lot of my time.  I have had to deal with the medical treatment of both myself and my daughter.  I have also been concerned about my car.  I get too attached to my vehicles.  The value of a vehicle does drop once it has been in a collision so I think those concerns are justified.

My lease was also ending and so I had a home inspection in February as well.  It was actually only days after the auto accident so the timing was pretty bad.  I did a lot of the work in pain but what else could I do?  I get very stressed about these inspections because the property management company will come in and take multiple pictures from different angles of all of the rooms.  I always feel like I will not get a renewal on the lease or the rent will be raised if the landlord is not satisfied.

Hopefully this does not sound like whining.  I realize that overall I have a very good life.  There is so much to be thankful for.  The auto accident could have been worse.  My lease was later renewed without raising rent.  I only mention those issues to say that I lost focus and it cost me.  This is my fault and I need to learn to stay more focused on my diet amidst the storms of life.

My challenge of not eating out during the month of February was not as successful as I would have liked.  I would not call it a complete failure though as I improved on not eating out as much as I was prior to this challenge.  I am optimistic that I can take the lessons learned from this experience and apply it to my life going forward.

So, here is the wrap up for February 2013:
  • Total weight loss to date: 16 pounds
  • Total weight loss this year: 9 pounds
  • Total weight loss February 2013: 2 pounds
  • Total weight still to lose: 135 pounds
My next regularly scheduled blog post will be on March 5th.  I want to get back to doing some exercise on my Xbox 360 with Your Shape Fitness Evolved 2012.  I am going to need to start working in some activity to keep the weight coming off.  Hopefully life will settle down a bit and I will get some time to make that happen.  I am going to make a commitment (not a challenge, we all know how I do on those) to be at or below 330 pounds by the end of March.  Failure is not an option!